The mubiru48's Podcast

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How to deal with life's issues

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

If you can plan your day you can plan your future. If you can plan your future you can activate your faith in the unseen tomorrow - First verse of Hebrews says; now faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen (as if the are really see). It only takes confidance in the great stuff you see by faith to achieve greatness.  #MosesMubiru #DailychronicleswithMoses

Create your own opportunity

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016

If you look for an opportunity and find none, start one. Simple! That is the best advise I have ever been given. We are capable of doing those things our prospective employers are doing! Think about it, these are individuals that most likely started small, endured the pain and now they have built some thing. You too can be like them! The next time you look for an opportunity and you find none,think about starting your own thing. Blessings!

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